About The Event
Based on the HBR Published Platform for Connected Leadership Framework©, this Boot Camp is designed for MBA Alumni and other Business Leaders who want to move beyond the equipped competencies of a typical MBA. It is aimed at Thought Leaders, Continuous Learners, Doers, and Inspirers boldly challenging the current way of the world. Leave the destruction of COVID-19 in your rear-view mirror by completing this MBA Premier League Boot Camp – A program for Business Leaders, presented by Business Leaders.
Thought Leaders are revolutionising aged Thought Paradigms and frameworks for strategic competitiveness and balanced financial.
sustainability. Continuous Learners are embracing future technologies as enablers for a better world where human and machine intelligence plait together for an imagined ideal future. Doers surpassing empty promises and passionate speeches by implementing real change. Inspirers focussing on the greatness within each of us across all generations – young and old, harnessing wisdom, imagination, and dreams.
Topic 1: Workforce Empowerment
If there is one function that has changed most radically in business organisations globally, it is that of HRM. This is due to the radical shift in workplace practices with people working from home and synergizing and optimising through distributed teams. A new skill set is required, moving into the future world of work, making HRM pivotal in rescoping job attribute requirements, development, and retention of skills.
Topic 2: Managing the centralized sourcing dilemma
Companies that were forced into closure during the pandemic did so partially due to the seizure of global economic activity. However, force closure, in many instances, is also a function of the poor. Financial risk management whereby companies overexpose themselves through wrongful gearing practices. It links this to economic systemic risk, such as single sourcing from one global distribution point, such as China, which increases the financial risk of companies and economic systems of the globe even more. During this session, financial experts from successful companies share their views on gearing for future balanced sustainable competitiveness.
Topic 3: Agile Supply Chain Management
COVID-19 has highlighted the dangers of single-sourcing supplies from a centralised global point. During this unit, we explore the way of diversifying global supply chain risk to remain competitive, even in the presence of disruption and supply chain seizures.
Topic 4: Digital Entrepreneurship
The rise of Platform businesses gives new meaning to the term “opportunity” for entrepreneurs. We look at the most successful platform entrepreneurial enterprises and what lead to their success, before, during and post COVID-19.
Topic 5: Strategic Management and Business Model Flexibility
Strategy can no longer be viewed and treated as the main building block in competitiveness due to increased levels of unpredictability in the external business environment and radical changes in the internal world of work dynamics and components. A necessary shift is towards business model flexibility, replacing the limitation of strategy as being primarily a competitor positioning function, to one of implementation and a competitive operating architecture.
Topic 6: End of Strategy?
Strategy can no longer be viewed and treated as the main building block in competitiveness due to increased levels of unpredictability in the external business environment and radical changes in the internal world of work dynamics and components. A necessary shift is towards business model flexibility, replacing the limitation of strategy as being primarily a competitor positioning function, to one of implementation and a competitive operating architecture.
Topic 7: Winning the social media race
Understanding the strategic impetus of digital marketing, social media strategies, social media marketing campaigns and the changing world of below and above the line advertising, to through the line advertising. These are but some of the key attributes of the change in marketing. Big data as a driver of customer insights are another. During this unit, participants will get a chance to actively participate in how the world of apps have revolutionized the way we do business, as well as the way we market and engage with multi-dimensional stakeholders.
Topic 8: The Future Leadership Paradigm
A key consideration for every businessperson today should be whether their leadership skills are still relevant and sufficient. Prior to this unit, participants will complete a Future Fit Leadership Skills Assessment and taken through a power-packed explanation of identifying future strengths, weaknesses, and personal development initiatives, readying them for future acceleration.
Topics 9: The Dawn of Disruption
As part of E-Business, Artificial Intelligence is being viewed as a leading disruptor through technological developments itself. During this unit, participants will engage in a gamified simulation that will help them to future proof their companies and get ready to win in the next industrial revolution.
Topics 10: Six New Economies
Four of the six global transformations are covered during this unit. They are The Wellbeing Economy – Redefining Health, The Net Zero Economy – Scalable low carbon solutions, The Circular Economy – Waste not want not and The BioGrowth Economy – New agriculture and biomaterials. A fascinating look into the future and how corporate social responsibility can literally change the world.
The Panelist
Prof Steyn Heckroodt
Harvard Business School Publishing Moderator, HBR Author, Dean of Academic Affairs, Creator of the Platform for Connected Leadership Framework™®, CEO and Executive Director for StratisQ MENA – reinventing how business leaders think about the future.
Tariq Qureishy
Futurist, CEO, Finance and Media Professional, Entrepreneur, and International Speaker – reinventing how we deal with Artificial Intelligence and how we need to synergise for the future.
Prof Paddy Upton
High-Performance Coach, Author, Speaker, Academic: helping people and organisations build and execute on their unique A-game.
Nadine Rix
Successful entrepreneur, organisational resilience expert – getting people to bounce forward and redesign their futures through the balance of work, life and commitments.
Kery Boucher
Hacking Innovation/Lead Facilitator Accounting Made Easy/Freshbiz/Financial Coach-preparing people for 2020 & beyond – stretching leaders to embrace the future through innovative boldness.
Dr Eric Albertini
Managing Director of the Master Distributor: EMEA Region at Ennea International – innovating Future Fit Skills for the leader of tomorrow.
Paul Epping
Co-founder and Chairman Exponential – leading challenging and thought-provoking human elements of ethics and values in embracing the next industrial revolutions.
Johan Burger
International Executive Development industry leader – challenging leaders to critically evaluate their approach to conventional financial models and gearing apparatus to maximise returns.
Louis Botha
Supply Chain Manager at Spinneys Dubai LLC – thought leader and practitioner in how to redesign the physical logic of a supply chain and maximise efficiencies and availability.
Dr Saif Alimamy
Assistant Professor of Marketing at Zayed University I Certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator I Trainer – radicalising how companies approach markets and to deal better with how markets shift the goal-posts.
Dr. Waddah AL Hashmi
Senior Director – Sustainability, Operational and Business Excellence at ENOC, Chairman of PCL. International Thought Leader in the fields of multiple leadership disciplines – getting organisations to have a greater societal ethic and responsibility.